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Izrael: Mordechaj Vanunu skazany na pół roku więzienia

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że Chavez chce promowac linuxa i ograniczy tym samym swoim obywatelem dobrodziestwo korzystania z "profesjonalnych" produktow microsoftu:

"Microsoft released confidential information about nuclear whistleblower Mordechai Vanunu without his knowledge or consent to the Israeli authorities. (..)

Information handed over by Microsoft was initially used to prosecute Vanunu for his contacts with foreign media, in violation of the ban on contacting foreigners imposed on Vanunu by the Israeli authorities. These restrictions, which are themselves a violation of human rights, have just been extended for a further year. "

autor: yona, data nadania: 2007-07-03 13:33:26, suma postów tego autora: 1517

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