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Syria: Demonstracje na ulicach blokowanych przez czołgi

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na blogu profesora Abu Khalila:

The Syrian Ruling Mafia
The interview with Rami Makhluf by Anthony Shadid in the New York Times is repugnant. It reveals the Syrian ruling group as a mafia. First, this is a man who speaks on behalf of a government that he is not--in theory--a member of. A cousin of the president is his only "official post". Like all Arab leaders, he offered Israel the notion that "apres mois le deluge" for Israel. He did not even hide that. The other implication of this notion that a fall of the regime presents Israel with insecurity, is an admission that the preservation of the regime in Israel's interest. US/Israel view on Syria (and this is based on information and not analysis on my part) is that preservation of the regime with Bashshar severely weakened is the preferred option.
Posted by As'ad AbuKhalil at 6:42 AM

autor: PMB, data nadania: 2011-05-13 20:45:59, suma postów tego autora: 1628

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