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Ukraina: Donbas odparł zmasowany atak sił rządowych

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Auschwitz w Odessie, kijowskie SS & Einsatzgruppen na Wschodzie

Michnika i Rzepy presstitutes milczą (bądż kłamią) na temat pogromu w Odessie i nielegalnej wojny kijowskiej junty na Wschodzie Ukrainy.

Julia, 21 lat, która udzielała pomocy medycznej powstańcom antyfaszystowskim zabita przez banderowców

Kołomojski finansował przyjazd kiboli do Odessy, A.Parubij
dostarczył im broń, dziewczyny z nacjonalistycznych ugrupowań ukraińskich przygotowały koktajle MOlotowa, od których spłoneli zwolennicy federalizacji.

Po stronie junty kijowskiej walczą także najemnicy, których językiem ojczystym jest angielski.
A akcjami ich z Kijowa dowodzą agenci CIA i FBI.

(FBI) and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) are consulting the new Kiev government in its crackdown on federalization supporters in southeast Ukraine, Germany’s Bild newspaper reports citing unnamed German officials.

The FBI and CIA agents are in Kiev on a special mission to help the Ukrainian authorities quell the unrest in the southeast and create effective law enforcement bodies. The newspaper claims that they are not directly involved in clashes with pro-federalization rebels, that they have not left Kiev

NATO-Nazi-Gladio pogrom.

Bloodthirsty pogrom against pro-Russian protesters
What happened in Odessa yesterday is much worse than what the initial reports had indicated: it was truly a deliberate and blood-curling massacre. To summarize:
In Odessa the pro-Russian demonstrators had never seized a building, all they did was erecting a small tent city and hanging out there. Hardly any violence had taken place. Yesterday, the neo-Nazis finally made their move:
1) They bussed in large numbers of Right Sector thugs.
2) They then got the local football hooligans (paid by oligarchs according to some reports) to begin a nationalist demonstration.
3) The Right Sector thugs then joined the hooligans and together they viciously attacked the pro-Russian tent city: the tents were torn down and the anti-regime demonstrators viciously beat up to a pulp. The local cops stood by and watched. [It's reported they were instructed so.]
4) The anti-regime demonstrators ran literally for their lives towards the building of Unions which had been their normal rallying point at which point they were surrounded and the building set ablaze.
5) Those attempting to leave the building were severely beat up and many murdered. Many were shot while standing in the windows to flee from the flames.
6) The neo-Nazis did not let the firefighters through.
7) With each jumping demonstrator or each person shot in the windows the crowd would scream “Glory to the Ukraine! Glory to he heroes!” Many took souvenir videos. For them, this was a joyful, liberating event.
8) The Ukrainian social networks flooded with joyful messages congratulation the “heroes” in Odessa and promising more of the same to the accursed Moskals.
9) The Western and Ukie press reported the events as a “clash” with “casualties” but with no reference to any one party causing this massacre.
10) The last fatalities figure was at 46. But with many dying from smoke inhalation and, especially, burns, it will probably go up.
Certain elements in Kiev also celebrated the holocaust in Odessa.
Hopefully not for long. The fiery deaths seem certain to incite more fiery resistance.
Armed protesters seized the police station in Horlivka today after a gunfight.http://www.pravda.com.ua/news/2014/05/3/7024276/ Rumors of firefights around a military recruiting station in Luhansk. Luhansk People’s governor there announces mobilization of men of fighting age. Attack by junta armored forces expected soon. Seizure of SBU building in Donetsk city reported. Kramatorsk airport and SBU rumored seized by rebels, then taken back by junta. But pro-Maidan sources claim junta is making headway in suppressing the east, against scattered resistance.
Junta forces attacked unarmed protesters in Mariupol, Konstantinovkart.com/news/156644-mariupol-konstantinovka-special-operation/

autor: irak, data nadania: 2014-05-04 18:20:39, suma postów tego autora: 451

Jestem z Wami..

To wasze życie i jeśli macie tyle odwagi by bronić swoich racji,to niech szczęście Wam sprzyja. Macie prawo DO GODNEGO ŻYCIA.

autor: bambosz0, data nadania: 2014-05-04 18:26:54, suma postów tego autora: 1835

Banderowcy jak za dawnych lat


Ważne jest to przejście graniczne, stamtąd mogą przyjść ochotnicy, broń, pomoc dla mordowanych.

autor: kontras, data nadania: 2014-05-04 18:48:54, suma postów tego autora: 1774

Videos - Odessa massacre & Kiev SS Einsatzgruppen in East

Prawicowi ukraińscy radykałowie torturowali, strzelali z broni palnej, kopali w twarz i dobijali tych, którym udało się ocalić z płomieni


Kto podpalił miasteczko namiotowe i dom zwiazków zawodowych
Odessa: over 46 anti-Kiev protesters killed by Euro-NATO puppets of Right Sector


Molotov cocktails prepared by Pro-Kiev junta girls
were used to torch the tents of the pro-federalists activists,
and later the building, were they tried to escape the death

Odessa slaughter: How vicious mob burnt anti-govt activists alive (GRAPHIC IMAGES)

Cvnical comments from pro-Kiew politicians (Farion and others) about torched young pro-russian activists
: bravo football fans from Odessa, ukrainian soul is shown!

Amateur footage shows an angry mob in Kramatorsk, eastern Ukraine yelling at Kiev forces as a new ‘anti-terror operation’ is underway. Locals are calling soldiers “fascists” and telling them go back to Kiev because they don’t need them in Kramatorsk

Kiev intensifies military op in Eastern Ukraine LIVE UPDATES

autor: irak, data nadania: 2014-05-04 18:52:27, suma postów tego autora: 451

Wrzucilem na bloga i FB

Wrzucilem na bloga i FB

autor: Krzysztof Mróź, data nadania: 2014-05-04 21:51:30, suma postów tego autora: 569

a ja dalej uważam

że te wszystkie miejscowości to jakaś ściema, to nie może być naprawdę

autor: jliber, data nadania: 2014-05-04 18:44:14, suma postów tego autora: 4329

polscy banderowcy będą mówili że to wszystko kłamstwo

bo rusofobia to nieuleczalna choroba


autor: czerwony93, data nadania: 2014-05-05 10:26:00, suma postów tego autora: 2718

Może tak, może nie....

ale biorąc tylko "stronę jednej strony", lewicapeel strzela sobie w duży palec u nogi.

autor: szczupak, data nadania: 2014-05-05 22:59:54, suma postów tego autora: 3747


są super obiektywne, hahaha

autor: czerwony93, data nadania: 2014-05-06 09:51:18, suma postów tego autora: 2718

Tak Szczupak

jestem za a nawet przeciw, tylko tak lewica zostanie wiarygodna, ha ha

autor: Margo, data nadania: 2014-05-06 13:50:54, suma postów tego autora: 627

Jak patriotyczni mieszkańcy Odessy obronili miasto.

Pomijając palenie ludzi żywcem, wychodzi na to, że wcześniejszy "atak separatystów" to był klasyczny false flag...

autor: bolo, data nadania: 2014-05-06 21:05:26, suma postów tego autora: 4522

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